We have colelcted together some useful guidance documentation for your information, please feel free to download these for future reference, if there is any topic you wish to see coevred just contact us and we try and include it here.
More comprehensive guidance documents can be found in the other sections of this area of the site, please use the navigation menu at the top to locate the information you need?
The various areas within a DSEAR Site must be appropriately identified and signage must be in use where personnel have access to hazardous areas.
Guidance issued by the UK for implimentation of the ATEX Directive, a good all round publication
The Directive on equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (94/9/EC) was adopted on 23 March 1994 and entered into force on 1 March 1996. The Directive is commonly referred to as the 'ATEX'Directive.
Typically, where pedestrian acces is needed then an example sign might be as shown here.

Guidance document issued by the European Commission on the the ATEX Directive - 2nd Edition
One must not forget the obvious signs, where these are needed

A brief overview of the The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002, produced by SDA Technical Services UK
The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) came into force on 9th December 2002 and applies to workplaces in the majority of industrial and commercial sectors.
A brief overview of the requirements set out in The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002, produced by SDA Technical Services UK
Small quantities of dangerous goods can be found in most workplaces.
Whatever they are used for, the storage and use of such goods poses a serious hazard unless basic safety principles are followed.
What is "CE Marking". and article explaning what the CE Mark is and how to ensure your products comply
UK DSEAR experts.
UK DSEAR experts provide the consultancy, expert advice and information with regards ATEX 94/9/EC - The equipment directive. As expert UK consultants in the field of Explosive Atmospheres Regulations we understand and provide the work you need to ensure you comply with the European directive for equipment and protective systems.